Thursday, February 20, 2014

Constellation Star Stories

To piggyback the 3rd grade teachers' work with the stars and planets, we work on a constellation unit that focuses on the stories behind them. We began with a great Vimeo that introduces students to some of the more popular constellations and their stories.

Greek Mythology: Constellation Myths from Brenda Wooding on Vimeo.

Students had a predicting activity that accompanied this video:

With a few stories under their belts, students then brainstormed their own constellation stories and the constellations themselves. Using the iPads, students took pictures of their "constellations," and they will  outline their constellation shapes with stars and write their stories soon!

Stay tuned. . . students' constellations and star stories will be featured in a "night sky" that includes the work from our Iowa Goldfinch book Blackout

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