Thursday, October 9, 2014

Goldilocks & Cinderella with 2nd Graders

For the last few years we've done some work with Goldisocks and the Three Libearians to talk about "just right" books with our 2nd graders. (You can see previous posts HERE and HERE.) As an extension and as a way to address a Common Core standard, we've been reading other versions of the Goldilocks story to compare and contrast. This year, we also added the Cinderella story reading Cinders by Jan Brett and Cinderelephant by Emma Dodd.

As a culminating activity, students had the opportunity to create their own new versions of either the Cinderella or Goldilocks stories. Using the app EduCreations, students created a book cover for their new stories, and then they used Flick to share their work with us. Finally, we put their work into Animoto presentations.

You can see some of their work in the presentations below:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your lessons! I love this one! I am a new librarian looking to find creative ways to use technology with my K-2 teachers! :)
