Sunday, September 29, 2013

We Hosted a Book Tasting!

After seeing several book tastings on Pinterest, we decided to give it a try! We'd been wanting to showcase different genres with kids, and this seemed like a good approach. Since mysteries and graphic  novels are also popular with our kids, we added those to our book tasting as well.

We found red-and-white checked plates and put paper on the tables to look like tablecloths. Then we pulled several books in the different genres/categories we wanted to feature: realistic fiction, science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, mystery, and graphic novels.

You can grab the genre bookmarks from HERE.
Next, we created a "menu" that kids would fill out at they listened to book talks and watched book trailers. (While we liked this version before starting the tasting, we decided we needed a simpler approach and are already thinking about how to revise it for future book tastings.)
Click HERE for source information

During the book tasting, we talked about the different genres, book talked some examples, and featured a book trailer or two. All of this we put into a Google presentation to make the lesson run more smoothly:

Students had time to browse the books at their tables after the book talks and trailers to write down titles that interested them, and we'll keep their sheets so they can refer back to them when they're looking for a book during check out.

1 comment:

  1. Just happened on to your blog and what a treat!! Great job!!
